Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sam Bacile ‘Innocence of Muslims’: YouTube banned in Egypt, Lilbya, Afghanistan and most of Mulsim countriesover anti-Islam film

Video-sharing website YouTube has been banned in Libya, Egypt,Afghanistan , Bangladesh and most of the Muslim countries in the wake of an anti-Islam film ‘Innocence of Muslims’, which sparked a riot in Benghazi, Libya that killed four American officials, including US ambassador.
In the wake of the incidents, YouTube has decided to block the video in Egypt an Libya. Fast Company reports that the video will be made unavailable "temporarily" in both Libya and Egypt.

The Afghan presidency earlier condemned the film as “inhuman and insulting,” calling for it not to be broadcast.
The film was made by an Israeli-American and is promoted by extremist US pastor Terry Jones who has drawn protests for burning the Holy Quran and vehemently opposing the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York.
It was made by an Israeli-American Sam Bacile who describes Islam as a “cancer”, the Wall Street Journal reported.
It has been promoted by controversial US pastor Terry Jones, who has drawn protests for burning the Holy Quran and vehemently opposing the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York.

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