Saturday, January 19, 2013

Rape continues in India : Nursery student raped on moving school bus In Mumbai

In a yet another shameful act, a four-year-old nursery student was sexually assaulted in a school bus that was taking her home. Police has arrested the bus conductor, a 35-year-old, in connection to the case.

As per the reports on Tuesday afternoon, Ramesh Rajput allegedly raped the young girl when the bus was dropping children home. She was the only student left in the vehicle when the conductor sexually assaulted her.

Sources say that the child was in the front row, waiting for her turn when Rajput threatened her to go with him to the backseat and allegedly raped her. Ramesh then warned the girl of dire consequences if she spoke about the incident to anyone.

According to the police officers, the school has broken state government policy as no woman attendant was present on the bus at the time of this horrendous crime. The school, however, insisted that a female attendant was at hand and it was she who confronted Rajput and stopped him.

Sources say that after the girl informed her parents about the incident, they immediately took up the matter with the school and filed a police complaint.

Ramesh was arrested on Thursday and booked for rape and molestation under the Indian Penal Code and invoked several sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.

Sources reveal that the driver's role in the crime too is suspect. He said that he neither noticed the girl being attacked nor heard her cries for help.

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