Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Pakistan Approves Castration Law For Rapists .

 Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved a law on chemical castration of rapists .

He approved, in principal, the law during a federal cabinet meeting where the country’s law ministry presented a draft of the anti-rapist ordinance .

Prime Minister  stressed that it’s a serious matter, hence, there should not be any delay in implementing the law to provide a safe environment for citizens.

Rape survivors will be able to register their complaint without fear - with the government protecting their identity.  He said the legislation will be clear and transparent with strict enforcement.

The rape and murder of a seven-year-old girl in Lahore in January 2018 and more recently the motorway gang-rape in Lahore sparked a debate on the severity of punishment to prevent sexual assaults. Notably, a Pakistani woman was allegedly gang-raped in front of her children by robbers on a motorway in Punjab province on September 9 this year, triggering a public outcry and sending shockwaves across the nation .

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