Monday, May 28, 2012

2 Tibetans set selves on fire outside Lhasa temple

Men on Fire
Self-immolations are being reported in Tibet's capital for the first time since Tibetans began setting themselves on fire to protest Chinese rule more than a year ago.
two men were taken away by authorities within minutes of setting themselves on fire Sunday outside the Jokhang Temple, a spiritual site and popular tourist attraction in Lhasa.
Most of the more than 30 previous incidents took place in heavily Tibetan areas of China, but only one occurred in Tibet itself. Protests have become rare in remote Tibet and Lhasa in particular because of tight police security that has blanketed the area since anti-government riots erupted in Lhasa in 2008.
There have been at least 34 immolations in Tibetan areas since March of last year to draw attention to China's restrictions on Buddhism and to call for the return from exile of their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. Chinese authorities have confirmed some of the self-immolations but not all.
Nearly all the immolations have occurred in heavily Tibetan areas of Sichuan province and the Qinghai region. Inside Tibet itself, there had been one reported immolation prior to Sunday, a former monk who set himself on fire in December in the Chamdo region and survived.

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