Saturday, March 3, 2012

Red Cross attempts entry to Baba Amr for a third time

Baba Amr has come under intense bombardment from government forces for weeks
The International Red Cross is to attempt to deliver aid to the devastated Baba Amr district of the Syrian city of Homs for a third day.
A spokesman said the Red Cross would resume negotiations with officials who barred its convoy on Saturday.
Syrian authorities had said the area was being cleared of booby traps.
Meanwhile, the bodies of a US journalist and a French photographer, who were killed in Homs, are due to arrive in Paris on Sunday morning.
The bodies of Remi Ochlik and Marie Colvin had been put on an Air France flight from Damascus on Saturday evening, France's ambassador to Syria Eric Chevallier told the AFP news agency.
Their bodies had been handed over to diplomats earlier at the Al-Assad University Hospital in Damascus, reports said.
'Parlous state' The seven-lorry Red Cross aid convoy spent a second night in Homs after being blocked from entering Baba Amr on Saturday, despite having been initially given permission from the government.
"Any wounded in there who haven't already been helped by the Syrian government forces would be in a parlous state, perhaps they've already been brought out," said the UK spokesman of the ICRC, Sean Maguire.
"We really don't know how many people are still in there. It's all a bit of a mystery to us."
Mr Maguire said the ICRC had been "disappointed" not to be able to enter Baba Amr for two days running.

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