Friday, March 9, 2012

US deal to hand Bagram and other prisons to Afghans

The US has previously handed over responsibility for a few hundred detainees at Bagram
Afghanistan and the US have reached a deal to transfer US-run prisons in the country to Afghan control.
The largest and most controversial of these is Bagram jail, which holds 3,000 detainees, including terror suspects.
Under the deal the US will cede control of Bagram over six months. Reports say they will retain access and be able to block the release of certain detainees.
Handing over US-run jails has been a key demand of Afghan President Hamid Karzai ahead of Nato's withdrawal.
Analysts say the issue has cast a shadow over negotiations on Nato's withdrawal of all of its combat forces by the end of 2014 and the long-term relationship with Afghanistan.
Bagram prison, officially known as the Parwan Detention Centre, is located in one of the largest military bases for Nato-led forces in Afghanistan. It has been at the centre of a number of prisoner abuse allegations in recent years.
Nato is also under intense pressure after days of protests and targeted killings across Afghanistan - over the inadvertent burning of Korans at Bagram - left at least 30 people dead.
The US repeatedly apologised over the incident but that failed to quell public anger.

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