Monday, February 27, 2012

Afghan airport hit by Taliban 'revenge' car bombing

The blast he detonated was powerful enough to destroy four cars
A Taliban suicide car bomber has killed at least nine people and wounded 10 others in an attack at Jalalabad airport in eastern Afghanistan.
The insurgents said the bombing was in revenge for a Koran-burning incident at a US air base a week ago.
The burning, which the US says was unintentional, has sparked violent protests across the country.
Nato said it had no reports of international forces being among the casualties in Jalalabad.
The airport serves both civilian and international military aircraft. Witnesses reported seeing at least four destroyed cars at the gates.
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in an email to media: "This attack is revenge against those soldiers who burned our Koran.''
President Hamid Karzai has appealed for calm amid anger at the incident at Bagram air base near Kabul.
In his televised address on Sunday, Mr Karzai "condemned with the strongest words" the treatment of the Korans but added: "Now that we have shown our feelings it is time to be calm and peaceful."

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