Wednesday, February 22, 2012

6 die in Afghanistan Koran burning protests

A second day of protests in Kabul over the burning of copies of the Koran
At least six people have been killed and dozens injured in Afghanistan after protests spread over the burning of copies of the Koran at a US airbase.
One person was killed in Kabul, one in the eastern city of Jalalabad and at least four in Parwan province.
US officials apologised on Tuesday after Korans were "inadvertently" put in an incinerator at Bagram airbase.
Officials at Bagram reportedly believed Taliban prisoners were using the books to pass messages to each other.
The charred remains of the volumes were found by local labourers.
Pro-Taliban slogans
Protesters in Kabul shouted, "Death to America!" and threw stones at Camp Phoenix, the main US base in the city
Riot police used water cannon to disperse protesters, some of whom were blocking the road leading to Jalalabad, one of the main trade routes into the capital.
Witnesses said security guards were firing into the air. There were also reports of people chanting pro-Taliban slogans.
One protester in Kabul was killed and 10 wounded.
Four further deaths were confirmed in the Shinwari district of Parwan province, north of Kabul. There were also peaceful protests in the eastern province of Kunar.
In Jalalabad, protesters burned an effigy of US President Barack Obama, and BBC Afghan reporter Babrak Miakhel said oil tankers had been set on fire.
A doctor told the BBC one person had been killed and 10 injured.

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