Saturday, February 25, 2012

Berlusconi trial: Judges throw out corruption case

Silvio Berlusconi says the charges against him are politically motivated
Judges have thrown out a bribery case against former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, because it expired under the statute of limitations.
Mr Berlusconi was accused of paying his former British tax lawyer, David Mills, to lie in court to protect his interests.
The case dates back to the 1990s.
Mr Berlusconi, who denies wrongdoing, says this and other court cases against him are all part of a politically-motivated smear campaign.
He is on trial separately on charges of tax fraud and sex with an under-age prostitute.
The prosecution alleged Mr Mills was given $600,000 (£382,000) to lie in court about Mr Berlusconi's business interests.
Mr Mills - who was not on trial - denies that any such payment was made.
In December he told a court he was "deeply ashamed" for falsely claiming that Mr Berlusconi had given him $600,000.
Mr Mills said the money had actually come from an associate he had not wanted to admit dealing with.
Of the other three cases Mr Berlusconi still faces, potentially the most damaging for the former Italian leader involves Moroccan nightclub dancer Karima El Mahroug, also known as Ruby.
Prosecutors allege Ms Mahroug attended several parties at Mr Berlusconi's residence last year and was paid for sex while she was still 17, an offence according to Italian law. Both she and the prime minister deny having sex. She says she did receive 7,000 euros (£5,900), but it was as a gift after a party.

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